
James Barrett

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Typical (complete) reasoning follows a scheme in which three parts are distinguished:

- The thesis (the position to be proved);
- Argumentation (proofs, arguments);
- Conclusion (general conclusion).

The thesis is the main idea (of the text or speech) expressed in words, the main statement of the speaker, which he tries to justify. In your paper writer, the thesis will indicate your agreement or disagreement with the author's opinion. The ability of the examinee to adequately perceive the author's position (positive, negative, neutral, ambivalent, etc. attitude to the story, the author's proposed response to the questions posed in the text, the main arguments of the author that clarify his position) may be considered sufficient. Arguments and arguments are the initial theoretical or factual statements with which the thesis is justified. They serve as the basis, or logical foundation of the argument. Arguments must be persuasive. Facts and figures are the most convincing arguments.

As arguments in the essay-explanation of Part C of the USE in Russian language can be given

- examples from fiction;
- proverbs and sayings reflecting folk wisdom, folk experience;
- facts, events;
- examples from personal life and life of others;
- references to authoritative people, quotations from their works and works;
- examples from mass media;
- laws of nature, conclusions, confirmed by experiment;
- references to recognized authorities;
- quotations from authoritative sources, etc.

Remember: the maximum number of points for K4 - 3 points - can be obtained only if at least one of the 2 arguments from fiction is given (proverbs and sayings, i.e. short genres of folklore, are not counted as arguments from fiction). If the examinee's opinion is not formulated or stated formally in the form of "I agree/disagree...", 0 points are given for K 4. Experience shows that most often examiners give examples from personal experience - it does not cause difficulties. But this is one argument. The main argument - only from fiction!
This is the last paragraph of your research paper writing help. It should not exceed the length of the reasoning and argument. Three or four sentences "without water," precise, succinct, corresponding to the conclusions of all the above-mentioned. Here it is important to summarize exactly the problem that was discussed in the entire essay.

Clichés that can be used in the last paragraph:

- The problem raised by the author of this text is extremely relevant today...
- The words of the author of this text did not leave me indifferent (-s)...
- In conclusion, I would like to note that the problem... has no time frame, because...
- The issues that the author of this text talks about are eternal, like life itself...

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  • Other

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  • Education