About Volunteering

SDMS Volunteer Opportunities

The SDMS depends on volunteers to accomplish our mission and strategic goals. Volunteer opportunities with the SDMS can range from long-term commitments such as serving on the Board of Directors, a committee or task force, and participating in a micro-volunteer project that is shorter in nature. All volunteers must be SDMS members and are bound by the SDMS Volunteer Conflict of Interest Policy.

The SDMS is committed to promoting and implementing ongoing improvements to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the diagnostic medical sonography profession (SDMS Board Policy: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion [B.5.1]). 

2024 SDMS Elections (open June 10 - July 5, 2024)

Open Positions include:

Director, three open positions on the SDMS Board of Directors

Member, three positions on the SDMS Nominating Committee

Member, two positions on the SDMS Finance Committee

SDMS Board of Directors

The SDMS Board of Directors* provides the overall leadership and direction for the Society's activities on behalf of its members. Board members serve two-year terms and are required to complete assigned projects and attend Board meetings throughout the year (of which typically are two in-person meetings are held in the spring and fall). Service on the Board does require each Board member to review background information in preparation for meetings and actively participate in Board discussions.

*SDMS-Affiliated Organizations: Elected SDMS Board members also serve in the same position on the SDMS Foundation Board.

Only current SDMS individual members in good standing who are credentialed by a national sonography credentialing body recognized by the SDMS Board of Directors as outlined in the Recognition of Sonography Credentialing Organizations Position Statement may run for or serve in an elected or appointed position. In addition, the SDMS Bylaws require that SDMS members interested in the President position must have previously served on the SDMS Board of Directors in an Officer or Director position to be considered by the SDMS Nominating Committee.


A committee consists of volunteers who have agreed to contribute time to the committees' objectives. Committees are developed and disbanded based on the needs of the Society and profession. However, the SDMS Bylaws mandate that the Society maintain the Bylaws, Ethics, Finance, Membership, and Nominating Committees at all times.

Task Forces

A task force consists of members who have agreed to contribute time to a specific activity or cause. Volunteers who are chosen have specialized in the activity or have experience with the particular cause. Task Force volunteers are selected on an as needed basis by the SDMS President.


A micro-volunteer activity is a task completed in small increments of time and may take a few hours, days, or months to complete, and does not require an ongoing commitment. Volunteers are selected on an as needed basis. The SDMS maintains a list of micro-volunteers to choose from throughout the year.
